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Video: YQ – Tear Rubber (Eru Ni)

A couple of weeks after the release of his comeback single ‘Tear Rubber (Eru Ni)’ which is currently rocking the streets, clubs and airwaves, talented singer and CADILLY Entertainment’s latest signee, YQ is proud to present the highly anticipated rich video for our viewing pleasure.

YQ recruits the services of the young, prolific and most promising video director, Eddie Izycs to deliver this entertaining video which features super producer, Laylow and superstar artiste, Jaywon.

Filled with enthralling aesthetics, expensive props, mind blowing light effects, excellent choreography, lush motion graphics, amazing dance steps you’d love to see and a bevy of beautiful lead ladies which perfectly complements YQ’s performance swag and infectious vocal tones and flow.

Watch the ‘TEAR RUBBER (Eru Ni)’ video below and get yourself to the nearest dance floor with this one! #TearRubber #EruNi

Watch On YouTube, Here

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